b. Boston, MA
Lives in Warren, Maine



2022 Teaching Certificate, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2015     Master of Fine Arts, Tufts University, Boston, MA
2006     Bachelor of Arts, Photography and Environmental Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY


2023 Salt Works, Volland Foundation, Alma, KS
American Pile, Gravy Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA
2022 Marginal World, The Channel, Carpenter Center for the Arts at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
2020 Charting a Course, Design Building Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
2016     Salt, Mayor's Gallery, City Hall, Boston, MA
2015     Road Salt: A 4500 Mile Journey, Museum of Science, Boston, MA
Salt Mountain, Howard Art Project, Boston, MA
2006     Covering New Ground, Woods Gallery, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY


2025 Fruition, Allison Cekala and Nate Luce, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland, ME
2023 New Works by Allison Cekala and Tyler Weeks with the Rockland Observationalists, Interloc, Thomaston, ME
2017     Sight Unseen, Vermont Center for Photography (with Aaron Borque) Brattleboro, VT
2014     Every Place, Essex Art Center (with Sarah Pollman), Lawrence, MA  


2023 House Warming, 82 Parris, Portland ME
ARTPM, Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME
2022     Garden Party, Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME
Form and Gesture II, Interloc, Thomaston, ME
     ARTPM, Buoy Gallery, Kittery, ME
2020 Existence on the Periphery, Keohane-Kenan Gallery, Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University, Durham, NC
2019 Deep Time Lab, University of New Mexico Art Museum, Albuquerque, NM
FAWC Invitational, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA
2018     Landfall, Rocky Neck Art Colony, Gloucester, MA
            Screen2018, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
            All Positions Depend, ACRE, Chicago, IL
2017     Convergence: Digital Media and Technology, Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, OR
Borders in a Single Shot, curated by Temple University, presented at Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin, Germany
            Western Pole, ongoing public installation curated by Jesse Malmed, 902 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 
2016     Material Message, Obrońców Stalingradu Gallery, Szczecin, Poland
America, Light Leaked Photography Journal Online Exhibition, Juried by Roger May
Postage Required, Vermont Center for Photography, Brattleboro, VT
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (The Shrug Show), Dorchester Art Project, Boston, MA
Heptadecagon, Soil Gallery, Seattle, WA
2015     34: Isles Arts Initiative, Boston Sculpture Gallery, Boston, MA
Empire of Dirt, Paul Robeson Gallery, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Carousel Slideshow, New Art Center, Newtonville, MA
2014     Proof of Purchase, Samson Projects, Boston, MA
Elemental Collaborations, Alternative Spaces, New Orleans, LA
Convergence I, Khaki Gallery, Boston, MA        
Painting Biennial, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, Juried by Lexi Lee Sillivan
2013     I Know What You Did Last Summer, Mission Hill Gallery, Boston, MA
2012     Wit, Mission Hill Gallery, Boston, MA
Sol Lewitt Wall Drawing #118, (draftsperson), Grossman Gallery, Boston, MA
2009     In the Light Cone, Department of Safety, Anacortes, WA


2017      Building a Lineage, Co-Curator with Sarah Pollman, Piano Craft Gallery, Boston, MA
2016      This is Revolting, Creator and Curator of online submission/exhibition site and book publication, www.thisisrevolting.land


2022 The Photographic Resource Center, Boston, MA
2021     Flatland Chicago, Old Future Almanac Telethon, Twitch.tv
2020 UltraCinema MX, Mexico City, Mexico
Revolutions Per Minute Festival, Boston, MA
2018     World Water Forum, Portugal Pavilion, Brasilia, Brazil
Festival Internacional de Cinema e Video Ambiental, Goiás, Brasil
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival, Minneapolis, MN
AgX at the Echo Park Film Center, LA, CA
Sleeping Giant Film Festival, Jacksonville, Florida
2017     Open Eye, Easthampton, MA
A Good night’s Sleep, Northampton, MA
CineEco Film Festival, Seia, Portugal
GlobeDocs Film Festival, Boston, MA
Speed Art Museum, Lousiville, KY
BealArt, London, Ontario
Indie Memphis Film Festival, Memphis, TN
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Nickelodeon Theater, Columbia, SC
Cranbrook Academy of Art, Cranbrook, MI
Detroit Film Theater, Detroit, MI
Mini MicroCinema, Cincinnati, OH
Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
Grand Illusion Cinema, Seattle, WA
Acworth Town Hall, Acworth, NH
Driftwood Library, Lincoln City, OR
2016     Lisbon International Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal (won best short doc)
Site Specific, ATA, San Francisco, CA, programmed by David Dinnell
High Coast Film Festival, Nordingra, Sweden
American Film Institute Fest (AFI FEST), Washington, DC
Ann Arbor Film Festival, Ann Arbor, MI
Traverse City Film Festival, Traverse City, MI
Amsterdam Lift-Off Festival, Amsterdam
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI  
Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Rice University, Houston, TX                
2015     End Recordings, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Chelsea Art Walk (screened inside shipping container at Eastern Salt Yard), Chelsea, MA
2014     One Hot Night, Brattle Theater, Boston, MA


2023 The Waldoboro Inn, Waldoboro, ME
ACRE, Steuben, WI
2022     Dune Shacks, Provincetown, MA
2021     Monson Arts, Monson, ME 
2018     Cary Center for Ecosystem Studies, Cannoo Hills Creative Arts Residency, Millbrook, NY
2017     Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Residential Fellowship, Otis, OR
ACRE, Steuben, WI
Lazuli Residency, Corinth, VT
2016     MacDowell Colony, Residential Fellowship, Peterborough, NH
Helen Wurlitzer Foundation, Residential Fellowship, Taos, NM                       


2019     Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA    
2017     LEF New England Moving Image Pre-Production Grant Recipient
LEF New England Fellowship, Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, Colgate University, NY
2016     Best Short Documentary, Lisbon International Film Festival
2015     Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship in Film/Video
Marion O. Naumberg Fellow in Photography, MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH
Post-Graduate Teaching Fellowship, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
2014     Montague Travel Grant, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
2013     Karsh Prize in Photography, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


2023 The Harvard Advocate (contributor)
2022      An Atlas, Flatlands, Chicago ( contributor )
2020      Kadabra X: How to Cook for Sixty People in the Driftless, in collaboration with ACRE Kitchen
2017     This is Revolting, self-published artist book
Mnemosyne Atlas 2016, Published by artist Freya Powell  ( contributor )
2015     Mnemosyne Atlas 2014, Published by artist Freya Powell ( contributor )
Empire of Dirt (exhibition catalog), “Traversing an Empire of Dirt”, Anonda Bell, Rutgers University Press ISBN: 978-0-9826990-6-5
Light Leaked Photography Journal, “Allison Cekala”, Ashley Kauschinger, March 9 (web)
365 Artists, 365 Days “Allison Cekala” (interview), A Frank Juarez Gallery / Greymatter Gallery (web)
Toad Journal, “Allison Cekala”, issue 5-2
2009     Deep//Leep, Lasercave, Issue 3 ( contributor )
Deep//Leep, Lasercave, Issue 2 ( contributor )
2006     The Bardian, Bard Press, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, Summer Issue
The Bard Papers, Bard Press, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY


2016     Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, “An art show about shrugs?  Sure. June 29
Chris Harding, Dorchester Reporter, “Ruminating on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  at DAP’s ‘The Shrug Show’”, June 22
Seth Daniel, Chelsea Record, “Salt Project Preserves the Idea of Finding out Where Things Come From”, Feb 12
2015     Ari Daniel Shapiro, The World, Public Radio International, “No snow, record high temperatures – but PLENTY of salt” Dec 24
Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, “Looking back over a year In Boston’s Galleries”, Dec 29
Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, “History, fantasy evoked in Sculptors Gallery”, Aug 4
Cate McQuiad, The Boston Globe, “Sightlines, Salt, and Silvery Light Enchant in Current Shows”, Jan 20                     
Greg Cook, The Artery (WBUR Boston), “Where Does Boston’s Road Salt Come From? A Local Photographer Finds Out” Jan 27
Katy Rogers, Winthrop Transcript, “Snake Island Inspired Work on Display”, Aug 7
Krystle Brown, Boston Hassle, “Salt Mountain”, Issue 60, Jan 9
Matthew Dinaro, Metro, “Five Things to do in Boston this Weekend”, Jan 8


2022 The Photographer as Advocate: a discussion about enacting change, Panel Discussion, Photographic Resource Center, Boston
2018     Artist Talk, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
“Cultivating Ecological Awareness through Art”, Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY
2017     Artist Talk, Emerson College, Boston, MA
Artist Talk, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, Otis, Oregon
2015     Artist Talk, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA


2018 - 2022      Instructor, Visual and Environmental Studies Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Introduction to Photo, Intermediate Photo

2017- 2021      Adjunct Faculty, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA
Photo Media 1 (includes darkroom, digital, and moving image), Audio and Video 1

2015-2016        Post-graduate Teaching Fellow, School of the Museum of Fine Arts @Tufts University, Boston, MA
Digital Photo 1, The Art of Meaning: The History and Future of the Image

2014-2015        Graduate Teaching Fellow, School of the Museum of Fine Arts @ Tufts University, Boston, MA
Digital Photo 1, Senior Thesis Program

2011-2014        Teaching Assistant, School of the Museum of Fine Arts @ Tufts University, Boston, MA
The Photographic Object, Photo Area, Bill Burke
Space, Place, and Society, Visual and Critical Studies, Emily Gephart
Photo 2: Photography and Your Environment, Photo Area, David Mussina
Digital Photography 1, Photo Area (Digital), Kathleen Tyler


2017     LEF New England Fellow, Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, Colgate University, NY
2016     Participant, Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, Colgate University, NY


2021-present Rockland Observationalists (co-founder and organizer), Rockland, ME
2018-2020   AgX Film Collective, Boston, MA
2016-2020   Film Fatales Boston